SEMI Standards Summary
Name | A.K.A | Keyword | Description |
E4 | SECS-I | [RS-232] |
The SECS-I standard defines a low level communication protocol for interfacing a host computer to equipment through an RS-232 serial communications interface. |
E5 | SECS-II | [Data Exchange] [GEM300] |
The SECS-II standard provides a definition of messages and related data items exchanged between the host and the equipment. |
E30 | GEM - Generic Model for Communication and Control of Manufacturing Equipment | [GEM300] [State Machine] |
The GEM standard uses a specific subset of SECS-II messages to implement several state machines that define rules to govern the interaction between the equipment and the host computer. |
E37 | HSMS - High-Speed SECS Message Services | [GEM300] [TCP/IP] |
The HSMS standard defines a low -level communication protocol for a high speed communication link using Ethernet and TCP/IP communication protocols. |
E39 | Object Services Standard | [GEM300] |
Object Services Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Services Defines how various types of objects are dynamically created and deleted during material processing. Specifies object attribute interaction |
E40 | Standard for Processing Management | [GEM300] |
Process job management is concerned with the processing of material by a processing resource. It’s function is to ensure that material delivered to the process module is processed with the correct recipe |
E87 | Specification for Carrier Management (CMS) | [GEM300] |
Standardizes the coordination, execution, and completion of automated and manual carrier transfers to and from the equipment and, if it exists, its internal buffer space |
E90 | Specification for Substrate Tracking | [GEM300] |
Defines a standard means for tracking substrates in manufacturing in the same manner as E87 does for Carriers |
E94 | Specification for Control Job Management | [GEM300] |
Provides a supervisory level of control for Process Jobs on material processing equipment, allowing hosts to manage complex processing scenarios. |
E116 | Specification for Equipment Performance Tracking (EPT) | [GEM300] |
Enables the host computer to track basic equipment performance in an automated and consistent manner without operator or host input |
E148 | Specification for Time Synchronization and Definition of the TS-Clock Object | [GEM300] |
Synchronize all the equipment clocks to provide a meaningful reference when reviewing collected data and events |
E157 | Specification for Module Process Tracking (MPT) | [GEM300] |
Provides a common paradigm for equipment to report data associated with recipe step execution without requiring equipment to change existing recipe definitions. |